Interested in organising a seminar on the CRISISS tools for volunteers in Austria? Please contact our Austrian partner, the Wissenschaftsinitiative Niederösterreich for further information. The following report on a former seminar might inspire you:
Austrian CRISISS partner WIN organised a seminar for the CRISISS project on 30th November 2022. 13 experts participated in this event. They came from various organisations linked to social services.
The seminar consisted of three parts:
- The plenary session comprised the welcome address and an introductory speech by Heinz
Rammel, Chairman of the Central Works Council of the Public Employment Service Austria,
and the presentation of the CRISISS tools through the Austrian project coordinator, Wolfgang
Eisenreich; - A presentation and a workshop focusing on the didactic structure of the assessment of soft
skills acquired in times of crisis; - A final round table discussion about the importance of social skills and their potentials for job
chances, and mainstreaming the results into trainings and future collaborations.
The composition of the participants covered a broad spectrum; from labour market experts,
stakeholders from ministry, via representatives from adult education organisations to
representatives from NGO with a high proportion of volunteers. In this respect, the event can be
seen as very successful.