Interested in organising a seminar on the CRISISS tools for volunteers in Slovenia? Please contact our Slovenian partner INTEGRA Institute for further information. The following report on a former seminar might inspire you:

Šoštanj, 5. Decembra 2022, Vila Mayer  


Ocenjevanje mehkih veščin in potrjevanje kompetenc prostovoljcev pri delu v kriznih situacijah

9:00 – 9:30Registracija udeležencev
9:30 – 9:45Pozdravni nagovor
9:45 – 10:30Uvod v temo posveta Kriza kot psihološka entiteta Okvirna analiza stanja
10:30 – 10.45Diskusija – iz teorije v prakso
11:45– 11.30O projektu Spletna stran projekta Mednarodno parnerstvo Produkti   
11:30– 12.00Odmor za kavo in prigrizek  
12.00 – 13.30Predstavitev učna platforme Pregled vsebin Izkustveno vrednotenje veščin (primeri) Uporabnost rezultatov samotestiranja Uporabnost orodij za društva in druge organizacije
13:30 – 14.00Plenum – povzetek in razprava
14.00 – 14.15Zaključek in zahvala Referenčna potrdila za udeležence posveta 

INTEGRA had invited experts from volunteer organisations, public administration, youth counsellors and trainers, people from labour market organisations, from the Ministries for education and for social affairs, as well as educational institutions and rehabilitation centres. Altogether, 20 people attended the event. They came from various organisations. The programme of the Multiplier Seminar consisted of three parts:

  • The plenary session comprised the welcome address and an introductory speech by Alexandra Tabaj, URI SOCA Ljubljana, and the presentation of the CRISISS tools through the Slovenian project coordinator, Sonja Bercko Eisenreich;
  • A presentation and a workshop focusing on the didactic structure of the assessment of soft skills acquired in times of crisis;
  • A final round table discussion about the importance of social skills and their potentials for job chances, and mainstreaming the results into trainings and future collaboration.