Corona crisis has strengthened helpfulness and cohesion

The pandemic has strengthened social cohesion and promoted mutual help. This is what a German survey shows which was conducted in March 2022.

The Corona crisis has made people in Germany more socially sensitive: 74 percent of respondents supported this statement in a survey by the Opaschowski Institute for Futures Research. For 60 percent, the pandemic had changed their attitude to life in the long term.

83 percent said they were more often available to help friends and neighbours. “There is less and less room for selfishness in our society. We have to stick together more,” said 86 percent.

People are obviously more open to offer neighbourly help and solidarity: 75 percent are willing to help themselves more and not simply leave all problems to the state. The citizens made the experience of relying on each other. The majority of them support neighbourhood help exchanges and voluntary work. Solidarity is also becoming more important in intergenerational relations. For the first time in history, three and in the future even four generations would have the opportunity to participate in each other’s lives.

This development means an upgrading of volunteering and shows how important the materials and tools developed in the CRISISS project are.

(Picture credits: Freepik)