Corona crisis has strengthened helpfulness and cohesion

The pandemic has strengthened social cohesion and promoted mutual help. This is what a German survey shows which was conducted in March 2022. The Corona crisis has made people in Germany more socially sensitive: 74 percent of respondents supported this statement in a survey by the Opaschowski Institute for Futures…

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Germany: Surveys on the outcome of COVID-19 pandemic on civil society

The ZiviZ Survey is a representative survey of organized civil society in Germany covering associations, foundations, non-profit limited liability companies as well as cooperatives. The goal is to strengthen public and political awareness of the important contributions of these organizations. Meanwhile, the survey was implemented several times e.g. on the…

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Prostovoljna pomoč v času epidemije

Ob epidemiji novega koronavirusa je bilo v lanskem letu za pomoč državljankam in državljanom vsak dan aktiviranih na tisoče ljudi. Poleg članov Civilne zaščite in drugih organizacij nepogrešljiv del predstavljajo tudi številni prostovoljci, v številnih prostovoljskih organizacijah. V izrednih razmerah ravno prostovoljci velikokrat postanejo najmočnejša sila pomoči, brez katere marsikatera…

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Buenas Prácticas en España. Asociación Almanjáyar en Familia ALFA

La crisis global provocada por la pandemia de Covid-19 ha obligado a las entidades sociales a adaptarse y modificar su organización para dar respuesta a las nuevas necesidades de la población con la que trabajan. Así, surgen iniciativas para abordar los nuevos retos que plantea esta crisis.

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Volunteer engagement during the pandemic crisis in Spain

The global crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has forced social entities to adapt and modify their organisation in order to respond to the new needs of the population with whom they work. Thus, new initiatives are emerging to address the challenges posed by this crisis.  The ALFA association (Almanjáyar…

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How Corona has changed volunteering in Austria

Using volunteers has become more complicated in the pandemic. However, there is no lack of willingness to help. Around 3.5 million people in Austria are involved in voluntary work, taking on an honorary position in the social, educational, or political field. Not all of them do this through a non-profit…

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Good Practice Slovakia: How to work with volunteers during the COVID-19 pandemic?

The Platform of Volunteer Centres and Organisations in Slovakia has prepared a comprehensive manual for municipalities and civil society organisations to organise volunteers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The manual includes essential documents for managing work with volunteers available for download and other valuable documents, such as the Codex of the…

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